
Don’t let the word “reformed” scare you away. “Reformed” is simply shorthand for what we believe about God, Jesus, the Bible, people, and his world. Some of you may remember studying the Reformation of the 16th century back in one of your history classes. Do the names John Calvin or Martin Luther ring a bell? It was during this “reform” that the church went back to its roots, so to speak, to pick up the historical Christian faith that had gotten lost throughout the years. Since then, Christians have referred to this type of thinking as Reformed Theology.

So when we talk about being “reformed” we are stating that we believe and trust the story of God’s grace that is found in every page of the Bible and is most clear in the person of Jesus Christ. It’s a story about how God, for his own glory, went to the greatest length, the death of his beloved son, to redeem rebels like you and me. No one deserves his grace…no one is entitled to it… yet we all desperately need it and can freely have it if we place our faith in Christ. Here at RUF, we are committed to resting and growing in the grace of God found in Christ and seeking to respond to this grace by following Jesus in every area of our lives. Regardless of where you are at in life, you need God’s grace just like we do, and we invite you to come explore his gracious story at RUF.


A lot will happen during the 2-4 years you are studying at the UW. You’ll make life long friends, decide (and then re-decide) on an initial career path, possibly meet your spouse, make some good and some foolish decisions. RUF wants to be part of your university experience at the UW. It's our hope that through RUF you will see the beauty of the gospel and as a result will come to know and love Christ, be changed by him in community, learn to live for a cause that's greater than you or your career, and begin to see how the gospel shapes every aspect of our culture.


Community isn't easy, especially at the fast paced UW. Part of our desire at RUF is to "do" life together. It's not that we're all best friends, but our hope is that you'll find in RUF a safe place to be known and to know other people. We hope to see you at one of our studies or events soon! All are welcome!